Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spring 2009 Schedule... Or Lack Thereof...

Nothing excites me quite as much as perusing through Vassar's Catalogue and picking a set of courses each semester. The beginning of a semester is just so filled with possibilities! I know, I know, I'm a nerd.

I usually spend weeks finalizing my schedule, and this spring term will be no different. The problem is, there are just too many choices. Although I'm nearly finished with the requirements for my history major, I find myself drawn to half-a-dozen different history courses: Renaissance Europe, History of American Foreign Relations, Emergence of the Modern Middle East... my list stretches for pages in a Microsoft Word document on my desktop. And that's just one department! I'm also thinking of classes in Political Science, Art History and Economics.

All told, there are about 25 classes that I want to take, but I can only take five courses per term. Oy! What's a boy to do?

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